Donation & In-Kind Request Form
Overview – We’ve Gone Paperless!
Wynn Resorts, Limited (“Wynn Resorts” or “the Company”) has a web-based only application process (“application process” or “application”) for non-profit organizations to submit charitable requests to the Company for corporate donations which include corporate funding and/or in-kind donations (e.g., room nights, show tickets, restaurants). The application process streamlines the request allowing a more efficient review process by replacing paper and email requests/applications. All requests need to be submitted through the application process, including any requests that would otherwise be made through an employee or an executive of the Company.
Note: This process is separate from the Wynn Resorts Foundation’s Community Grant Fund; which will open Q1 of 2024. To access the application in the future, click the "Community Impact," tab and scroll down to the Community Grant Fund section.
Important Details
- Up to two comprehensive application requests will be reviewed for each nonprofit organization per calendar year.
- All applications must be submitted at least 12 weeks prior to applicant’s first event, program, or initiative that a donation is being sought.
- All applications must be submitted via the online portal.
- All requests must be submitted through the online application process for consideration. Paper, phone, or email requests will not be considered or receive a response.
- Additional requests outside of the two comprehensive applications will not be considered.
- In-Kind requests submitted at least 30 days in advance of an event can be considered if a nonprofit is in good standing for background with the Wynn Resorts Global Compliance team.
- Applicants will be notified within 8-12 weeks of submitting their proposal if their request is approved. Applicants will not be notified if their request is denied.
Required Information and Documentation
Your application must also include the following relating to your organization:
- Most recent IRS Form 990 (Return of Organization Exempt from Income Tax)
- IRS Section 501(c)(3) Tax-Exempt Letter
- IRS Form W-9, signed and dated
- Organization’s Mission Statement
- Day-to-day manager contact information
- List of Board Members and any Consultants/Advisors the organization may have
Please note that all requests from organizations located in Nevada must also inlude the following:
- Annual Charitable Solicitation Registration Statement
Please note that all requests from organizations located in Massachusetts must also inlude the following:
- Certificate of Good Standing from the Massachusetts Secretary of State
- Certificate for Solicitation from the Massachusetts Attorney's Office
Requests received for corporate funding or in-kind donations for events outside of our local communities may be considered; however, priority will be given to events benefiting the communities in which we currently operate -- Southern Nevada, Massachusetts, and Macau SAR.
Incomplete applications will not be considered. In addition, the following are types of requests that will not be considered; this list is not exhaustive:
- Advertising, marketing venues, film or video projects
- Disaster relief efforts requested outside of an emergency fund organization
- Requests from religious or other sectarian institutions for the purpose of advocating their beliefs or converting individuals to their religion or sect
- Travel and lodging expenses for individuals or groups
- Requests made solely for the benefit of one person or family
- Requests from organizations which discriminate from membership or services on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, actual or perceived sexual orientation or gender identity/expression, age, religion, veteran or military status, genic information or disability
- Fundraising for private nationality
- Requests for research programs, including clinical research outside of established federal medical programs
- Foundations or for-profit entities
- Sponsorship for sports leagues or teams, contests or pageants
- Political causes, candidates, organizations or campaigns
- Memberships, including association/chamber memberships
- Requests from organizations whose programming or policies do not align with our community initiatives
We will conduct a background investigation on the organization and its key executives and/or board members as part of the application review process. The investigation will include, but is not limited to, review for proper licensing, IRS tax exempt status and negative information.
All matters relating to interpretation, application and administration of these parameters or otherwise relating to charitable requests shall be determined by Wynn Resorts in its sole discretion. Wynn Resorts reserves the right, to suspend, change or terminate this application process at any time and without notice.
Please contact our Community Relations Department at for additional questions regarding this process.