Building Baskets of Cheer for the Community
Table Games Supervisor, Orly Graves, has been making baskets filled with feel good items such as juice, candy, granola bars, mints, and gum to deliver to hospitals and home bound senior clients of Jewish Family Services and the Israeli American Council. Senior baskets have also been delivered to Holocaust survivors which include masks sewn by the Table Games Sewing Crew made up of Orly, Patty Dutton, Sandy Tuaa, Kristine Oliver, Cheryl Quan, and Denise Zhou, as well as dried fruit – made by Wendy Collins, a Dealer on Swing Shift who has made 65 pounds worth so far!
Orly shared her basket making initiative with her Table Games team and has been overwhelmed with the generous response of her fellow Wynn employees. In addition to dropping basket fillers on her doorstep, Table Games employees have sent her money to buy supplies. Her coworker, Jeannine Lovrince, has also volunteered her time to shop with Orly, while practicing social distancing of course, and is helping build the baskets of cheer in her garage.
Orly and the Table Games team have also made and delivered baskets to seniors, hospitals, fire stations and police departments!